With such a variety of Chandeliers available today there is always that perfect one for any home. With a range of styles, designs and finishes to choose from selecting a chandelier can be as much of a creative process as you would like it to be. Each chandelier adds a touch of class to any room and warmth or vibrancy into any atmosphere. Styles can range from elaborate and large to modern and aesthetically pleasing. Chandeliers complement other lighting well and will add value to your home.
When choosing a chandelier for a dining room, the Victorian style is highly recommended as this popular design will add tranquillity and calm to a room that can be chaotic at even the best of times. There are always popular choices to choose from with Wrought Iron and Crystal styles at the top of the list. Some chandeliers can be hung alone as a center piece feature that will dress up any room.
Choose from the vast array of finishes and shade styles to find a design that will create a room of modern style with a touch of love for art. Chandeliers can range decorative styles to create a modern, dramatic, simple, elegant and formal look.
The styles of chandeliers available include Tiffany, Victorian, Art deco, South western, Tropical, Crystal, Transitional, Early American, Lodge style, Whimsical, Old world, Oriental, Traditional classics, Country cottage, Architectural and mission style. Each chandelier style can work best in it's own setting whether for a modern look, shimmering elegance, relaxed or sleek and shiny. Find the perfect finish for your room and it will led stadium light manufacturers work wonders with existing furniture and style. The finishes range from white or beige, multi-coloured, polished gold or brass, crystal, polished nickel or chrome, wood, rattan, iron, brick, bronze, rust and antique or satin brass. The type of chandeliers can include centre bowl, no shade, pot racks, crystal and shaded candles.
Chandelier Installation
Before you begin the installation check the ceiling electrical box to ensure a new light will be securely supported. If the new light is around the same weight as the old light, then the electric box should be able to support the new light fixture. When hanging over a dining table, centre the light in the middle of the table with 30? distance between the tabletop and the light, to prevent any bumped heads. When buying bulbs, you should decrease the bulb wattage when larger numbers of bulbs are required. For example, a 2 socket light could be fitted with two 60 watt bulbs, whereas a chandelier with three or more light sockets is probably more suited to 40 watt bulbs. Once correct bulbs are installed, the chandelier should give off sufficient light coverage without blinding anyone. Dimmers are helpful as they allow you to adjust the light to your requirements.
Cleaning Chandeliers
It is always a good idea to clean your chandelier at least once a year to keep it looking clean and shiny. Before you start, turn the lights of at least 10 minutes before you begin so the bulbs can cool down. Never clean the chandelier while the lights are on, this could lead to a burnt hand. If you are going to remove the pieces then separate the light in sections or draw up a picture of how the light fits together so you won't be frustrated and confused later when trying to put the pieces back together. Place a blanket or duvet under the light to catch any pieces of the light that may fall. Keep the fixture in the same place as you clean and do not turn it around as this may strain the power cable.
When you are ready to begin, remove the trimming such as pendants and place in container. Clean with mild detergent and then rinse in hot water. The hotter the water the less spots. When cleaning festoons, place under water at arm length to stop from intertwining. Always use mild detergents as harsh cleaning products can make the pendants brittle and blackened. Many darken with age but it is always good to delay this as long as possible. When cleaning the body of the light, it is recommended to use a dry, lint free cloth for the best possible result. Remember to dust the bulbs as well as these are give away to cleanliness of the light. Replace all light pieces on the chandelier and lightly polish it to remove any remaining spots.
How often have you given up doing something even before LED optics lighting you gave yourself an honest chance of succeeding?
Perhaps you started a redecorating project or writing a novel. You purchased all the necessary items and then never painted or wallpapered the room because you thought you couldn't do it perfectly. You wrote the outline, table of contents and the introduction to your novel, without giving your literary talent a chance to flourish you abandoned it, because you think no one will read it.
You begin a diet. Within a few days, you revert to your normal eating habits because you didn't see immediate results.
Because of your past experiences when you have not achieved all that you wanted, you only remember getting bombarded with more and more work when you thought the project would take only a few days. You think the next project will end up the same, so you don't begin or you slack off and let the fruits of our dreams fade away.
You need to become an expert at getting out of your own way when it comes to achieving your dreams. After all, you've gotten in your own way over and over for years.
We sabotage ourselves in any number of ways by our thoughts.
- I'm not good enough: On Monday, a group of students will be given a lecture by the worst teacher. The worst actor will star in a made-for-television movie. And the worst boy band will put on a mini show for friends and family in their garage. I don't have any more talent than them, you say. What if the boys who became the Beatles had stopped practicing in Ringo's garage?because, they thought they weren't good enough.
- No one will be interested: Just look around at some of the things you see on television or read in newspapers or books or magazines. It is amazing some things have lasted this long?you intone. What if J.K. Rowling of Harry Potter fame would have told herself?No one will be interested, so why bother writing this novel.
- I'm too old/young: Colonel Sanders was sixty-five when he began his Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. He died a multimillionaire. Phyllis Diller was 40-something when she became a star as a comedian?old by industry standards at the time. Diller achieved a record that still stands today in the Guinness Book of World Records for delivering 12 punch lines per minute. Anne Frank was a young girl when she wrote her diary which is still published and continues to be read throughout the world by the next generation.
- I don't know what I want to do: You may not know exactly what you want to do, but there is something in the back of your mind that is important. Especially if you know you're not happy in what you're doing now, you know there's more you want out of life. Do whatever your heart desires and see where it leads you.
- I want to do too much: No one says you can't do a little of everything. Just pick one that will set the groundwork for the others. Find the common thread in the things you like, and start there. You can branch off once the foundation is in place.
-The universe is against me: Hm-m-m-m?Not at all. Once you set your mind to something and begin heading in a direction, the universe will open up in ways you can't see right now. People will come into your life, events will take place, and you will begin to see more light at the end of the tunnel each day. But you have to make the first moves. Nothing takes place for you unless you do something. Do something, even if it is wrong, you can learn from that. Thomas Edison was asked if he was discouraged because he had 100 failures in his quest to invent the light bulb. ?Discouraged! Edison exclaimed, I am closer to inventing the light bulb, I already know 100 ways how not to invent a light bulb, the next idea may be the one that works.?
- Motivational speaker Les Brown in his book "It's Not Over Until You Win," tells a story of a keynote speaker at a National Speakers Association conference he attended. The speaker was perhaps the worst speaker Les had ever heard. The man spoke in a monotone voice and was dull as a butter knife. By the end of his presentation, more than two-thirds of the audience had walked out. The speaker, noticing this said something that pretty much sums up the message of this article. "The reason I am up here (Doing) and you are sitting down there (watching) is because I represent the thoughts you have rejected for yourself."
Give yourself a chance, get out of your own way and persevere. Perseverance pays off. If Edison could invent the first light bulb after 100+ non workable prototypes, you can create what you want too. It isn't the amount of genius, it is the amount of perseverance.
Timber framing presents a sun-down challenge for the homeowner. How do LED optics lighting you effectively light interiors with the absence of sheetrock ceilings, extensive use of wood, especially darker stained woods, and the expansive use of glass windows which become black abysses at night. The large cavernous spaces can be very uninviting. How do you create a feeling of warmth and intimacy in such a large-scale space? How do you play up high ceilings, counteract dark night glass, and allow night sky views to still be visible?
You have several choices to light vaulted ceiling rooms. Two-circuit track lighting can be placed on the sides of cross beams shining up on one circuit (put on dimmer to allow for mood-setting options and TV viewing) and shining down on the other (aim at artwork and focal points). This allows you to emphasize your ceiling height and timber frame structure. Choose bronze or antique brass track to most closely match the color of your beams. Custom track heads such as mica or plaster cut-outs add a decorative warm touch to the beams and keep the look from getting too commercial. Cable track lighting and mini track heads help this type of lighting source disappear. Bronze landscape lights (instead of or in addition to track lighting) placed in the corner of beam supports on a low voltage system provide uplight that is energy-efficient and easily repositioned. Wall sconces, especially uplight pockets, and floor torchiere lamps also serve to uplight ceilings.
In addition to mood lighting and uplighting, you need to provide for task lighting. Sketch a furniture plan and then decide whether you want floor lamps, table lamps, swing arm wall lamps, or hanging pendants beside reading chairs, game tables, and eating areas. Use floor receptacles, fixtures hanging from the beams, and wall lamps at eye level that will swing out and back as needed. And don't forget under-cabinet lights in the kitchen and bar areas for shadow-free illumination. Bath wall lights with downlight shades can make interesting bed lights, either a double or triple above the headboard or a single beside the bed.
To add interest and individuality to your home, consider turning a favorite object or flea market find into a lamp. An old watering can, driftwood "sculpture", surveyor's tools, birdhouse, or just about anything can be used. Your local lighting store can add the electrical parts and help you select the perfect shade. Sometimes using an existing lamp and just changing the shade will work in your new interior. Try lampshades made from leather, suede, pheasant feathers, mica, laced parchment, and art glass for a new look.
For a dramatic effect, select several important accents such as a stone fireplace, an antique mantle, special painting, interesting sculpture, etc. to play up with spot lighting. And of course, the timber frame structure itself is an excellent choice for accent lighting. This is most effectively accomplished with track lighting, picture lights, or wall sconces. Consider the size of the accent piece when selecting the type of fixture.
Due to the scale of timber frame construction, exterior fixtures are an excellent choice for interior applications. Try outdoor hanging lanterns over a kitchen counter, front door wall lanterns over a fireplace, and smaller exterior lights beside the mirror in the bathroom. Often these are the most economical alternative when searching for lights with the proper scale.
Use the beams in the frame structure to hang light fixtures and fans to bring them down to living levels. Iron pot rack chandeliers and hanging bowls are excellent choices for kitchens and living areas. Circulating fans on the beam supports are a necessity to circulate air and bring heating and cooling down from the high ceilings. Luckily today's ceiling fans come in every style and color. Usually the fan is not the item you want to draw attention to so look for fans with authentic wooden blades (such as knotty pine or natural pine that you stain yourself to match the ceiling.
Many styles of fixtures blend successfully with the timber frame look: Mission (wood and glass with straight lines), Spanish and French country (black or bronze iron and seeded glass), Tuscan (weathered painted wood), vintage and antique, stained glass, rustic (mica and aged copper), country chic (bran red or distressed cream metal and wood), and Scandinavian (Swedish country white and washed blues). Try to match your lighting fixtures with other hardware and faucets for consistency in your home. Whatever direction you take, carry the look throughout the house, both inside and out.
How do you successfully use color in a timber or log home? Since the goal of most of these structures is to harmoniously blend with the environment, take your color palette from the natural vegetation and "weather" in the area. Take your inspiration from autumn leaves, sunset hues, driftwood and bleached sand, light birch wood, snow white, blue skies and seas, greystone cliffs, evergreens and laurel, black bears and brown moose, clay canyons, etc. Make sure that natural materials such as mica, stained glass, leather and rawhide, carved wood, feathers and leaves are incorporated into your lighting choices. These will bring organic texture in keeping with the timber frame concept.
In summary, remember to provide for four lighting goals in each room: uplighting, task lighting, accent lighting, and ceiling fan air circulation. Look for lighting products that complement the natural timbers and woods you select. And use lighting to accent all your favorite things in your new home.
It is Sunday night. As your head hits the pillow, you decide that this week you really will stick to led garden light manufacturers your diet and exercise regimen. You will not have your usual doughnut in the morning at the coffee shop. You plan to have a salad for lunch and skip dessert after dinner all week. You will also head for the gym after work before going home three times this week.
It seems like a reasonable plan and you have every intention of sticking to it. But as you pick up your coffee on Monday morning, you just can't help ordering a doughnut too. And since you have already ruined your diet for the day, you grab a fast food meal for lunch, skip the gym and have a big bowl of ice cream after dinner. If this sounds at all familiar to you, read on.
The truth is a lot of people have this mindset when it comes to their health and fitness. They tend to give up when they slip up. But in reality, people who find success will fail many times before they succeed, no matter what their goal.
Consider one of the greatest inventions of Thomas Edison. It has been said that it took him 10,000 attempts to make a working light bulb. Lesser inventors would have quit after ten, one hundred or even one thousand trials. But Edison defined failure as a step toward his goal, not a reason to give up on it. It was as if he realized that he would have to find 9,999 ways not to make a light bulb before he could achieve his goal.
Try applying this method to your health and fitness. Realize that you will make countless mistakes on your way to achieving your objectives. There will be many missed workouts and loads of poor food choices along your road to success. Remember that you will find many ways not to achieve your goal before you triumph over it.
The trick is to learn from these mistakes and move on. Realize what went wrong and how you can avoid similar situations in the future. Can you make coffee at home so you are not tempted to buy a doughnut at the coffee shop? Can you find an exercise buddy who will make you less likely to miss workouts? Can you make an activity-based date instead of a meal-based date with your friends or significant other?
From now on, when it comes to your goals, don't use failure as an excuse to quit. Instead, see it as a way not to achieve your goal. Then, get back on the right path and keep at it until you get to where you want to be.
copyright 2006 Jennifer D. Wetmore, DPT
For generations people have been saying that laughter is good medicine. And now the scientists have taken an interest it turns out great-grandma was right. The boffins have discovered that laughter releases helpful goodies in the body which boost your immune system. In fact the therapeutic benefits of laughter are now being harnessed by academia and the business community into laughter workshops and other formalized chuckle sessions. Get the workers laughing and you raise productivity, so it seems.
However it is extremely easy to get humor wrong. And a joke that's sent to someone who doesn't see the funny side will create more ill health through raised blood pressure than a few laughs could ever cure.
So what's the answer? How do we harness humor and make it work for us, not against us?
People often say that the internet's international nature makes it an unsuitable environment for humor for fear of it not translating across national boundaries led stadium light wholesale - and inadvertently causing offense. But there are a couple of simple rules which - although not universal panaceas that always work - can help you use humor without risk.
Use humor about situations, not people. If you think about it, the butt of many jokes and other humor is a person or group of people, so it's hardly surprising that offense is caused. The more extreme types are obvious - mother-in-law jokes, blonde jokes, women jokes, men jokes - but there are many more subtle ones too.
Then there are the nationality gags. I remember in one year hearing exactly the same joke (in three different languages) told by an American about the Polish, by a Canadian about Newfoundlanders, by a French person about Belgians, by a French-speaking Belgian about the Flemish, and by a Flemish person about the Dutch.
Obviously most humor is going to involve people in one way or another. But as long as the butt of the joke is a situation or set of circumstances, not the people, you're far less likely to upset anyone. And there is an added advantage here. Whoever they are and wherever they come from, people will usually identify with a situation. Take this one for example...
Some people are driving along at night and are stopped by a police car. The officer goes to the driver and warns him that one of the rear lights on his SUV isn't working. The driver jumps out and looks terribly upset. The officer reassures him that he won't get a ticket, it's just a warning, so there's no problem. "Oh yes there is a problem," says the man as he rushes towards the back of the car. "if you could see my rear lights it means I've lost my trailer."
As the butt of the joke is the broken rear light and the loss of the trailer, not the policeman or the driver, no-one can be offended. And most people can identify with how that would feel.
The other key issue with humor is wordplays, puns, and anything else that's based on figurative speech, slang, or jargon. The short answer is they don't work internationally. However if the play or double entendre is in the concept rather than the words, it probably will work.
These may be funny to us, but would not be understood by anyone who is not a good English speaker because there is a play on the words:
* Deja moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.* The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.
These, however, probably would be understood because the humor is in the concept, not in the words themselves:
* You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.* The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.
Overall, I think it's wise to use humor as a spicy condiment in your business comms. And just as you would with the chili powder, use it in moderation if you don't know the audience well ... and if you know they have a very sensitive palate, don't use it at all!
A chandelier can be an ideal option for lighting in your home. Not just for foyers and formal dining areas, but chandeliers can also be used to provide lighting in kitchens, bedrooms, as well as the children's room. But before you go out and look for that perfect chandelier, here are some things that you need to consider.
Criteria For Buying Chandeliers
1) Size of the chandelier: The most important element to consider is the size. If not sized correctly, a chandelier will not be able to provide lighting as desired and may well not fit into its designated spot. So here's what you need to know about sizing a chandelier.
? When choosing a chandelier for a particular room, you need to first measure the width and length of the room. Add these two measurements and the resultant sum (in inches) is how wide your chandelier should be. For instance, if your room is 14 feet wide by 16 feet long, you need to add these two numbers which gives you 30. Thus, the ideal width for a chandelier for this room will be 30 inches. However, you also need to consider the height at which the chandelier will hang. If you have low ceilings and the chandelier will hang quite low, you should buy a slightly smaller one (26-28 inches). But, if you have really high ceilings, then you should go in for a bigger one (34-36 inches). This is because the higher the chandelier, the smaller it is going to appear.
? Another important size consideration is the length. A chandelier should be at least 30 inches above the table that it will hang over. This is the optimum height as it is high enough to leave adequate room to place things under the chandelier and is low enough to provide the desired lighting. Thus, after subtracting 30 inches from the top of the table to the ceiling, and 3-4 inches for the chandelier hook, the space left can be used to decide the length of the chandelier. Once again, you can be a little flexible here. If you usually use very tall centerpieces on your table, you should choose a chandelier that is a little shorter.
2) Type of lighting required: The kind of lighting that you need is also an important criterion to consider. Here are the various types of chandeliers used to bring about different kinds of lighting:
? Ambient Lighting: If you wish to achieve ambient (general) lighting, you should go in for a big one, which has plenty of bulbs and open lights. This will ensure that the fujinglight solar led street light wholesale chandelier provides light for the entire room.
? Accent Lighting: If you want to place your chandelier over something specific so as to illuminate that object, or if you want it to provide you with accent lighting for specific areas, then you should choose one with spotlights and down lights. A spotlight will help you to focus lighting on special works of art and help to bring about their beauty. With down lights, you can provide accent lighting for tabletops and other specific areas.
? Diffused Lighting: Many people like to have sober diffused lighting in their home. They do not like the glare of very bright lights. If you too desire such lighting, you should choose a chandelier with uplights. An uplight will throw light on the ceiling which then gets diffused and provides a very warm glow. You can also choose a chandelier with shades as this will help to maximize the light filtering down but reduce the glare at the same time.
Thus, once you have decided on what type of lighting effect you wish to achieve, you can select a chandelier accordingly.
3) Style of the chandelier: As it is most likely going to be the center of attention in any room, it is essential that you choose a chandelier that has a look and style which is in keeping with the rest of your d?cor. You do not want to draw attention to your chandelier for all the wrong reasons after all!
While a traditional crystal chandelier can look at home in almost any setting, if you want to go in for an ornate wrought iron chandelier, or perhaps a contemporary one, it is important to first determine that such a design will match your home d?cor. Remember, while choosing a chandelier style, you want to go in for one that matches your d?cor and not contrasts with it.
In addition to the above, ease of cleaning, number of bulbs (depending on how much lighting you require), and your budget are the other factors to consider when choosing a chandelier.
Feng Shui Meaning ?wind? and ?water,? is the ancient art of living in led high bay light manufacturers harmony with the natural world. Though the spaces that you live or work in differ the principles of Feng Shui remain the same. Feng Shui in fact is a traditional art of living with its philosophy strongly rooted in spirituality.
Feng Shui for offices
Money to you may seem like a material thing, but it has many spiritual and energetic repercussions that affect all aspects of your life. Money flows in and out of your life like the wind, touching everything as it passes by. It is important to make sure that this wind is a healing and strengthening force, not a destructive power that causes harm. It is equally important to ensure that the wind blows constantly, at least as a breeze, and that there is never stagnant, foul air (which symbolizes stagnant finances). Feng Shui for offices not only provides the guide lines for living harmoniously in your work environment it also tells you to how you can manage office spaces to yield prosperity.
There are some time tested office Feng Shui practices which can be used for enhancing your workplace. Practicing the following Feng Shui Tips can make office Feng Shui work for you and you would start noticing the changes.
Feng Shui tips for offices
Remove clutter
Your office must be organized and arranged efficiently. Clutter according to Feng Shui stimulates negative Chi (energy) and should be kept to a minimum. Remove whatever extraneous materials are lying in your office. By clearing away the physical clutter that you have been confronting on a daily basis, you free up your mental, emotional burden and feel light, cheerful and optimistic in your reinvigorated working space.
Position of the desk
Keep your desk in the commanding position. The commanding position means a position of power, where you have a direct view of the door, a pleasant view out the window and a wall behind you for stability. This position of the desk according to the Feng Shui office offers you the maximum control.
Shape of your desk
Shape of your desk can affect your mood and level of productivity in the workplace. Rounded curves are flowing, encouraging the flow of creativity. A kidney-shaped desk follows the natural curves of the human body and is said to give you a subconscious feeling of inner alignment.
Placing the plants
Place plants in your work and help you stay connected to the natural world. Since the green color spurs creativity and new ideas it helps you to have creative element in the office. In Feng Shui practice keeping plants helps to have positive Chi flow in corners which other wise are neglected spaces devoid of any energy. Green plants also act as a filtering system, reducing toxins and circulating stagnant air.
Choosing the correct light
The best light is natural daylight, so move your desk close to a window but never have your desk directly in front of window or fluorescent lights which cast a glare, causing eyestrain and exhaustion. You may improve your mood and energy dramatically by replacing fluorescent lights with warm lights that don't cast a glare.
Use of Feng Shui colors
Making use of Feng Shui Colors can help you achieve balance in your office. Different colors have different properties some colors can help people feel grounded and secure. Blues, purples or reds are supposed to enhance the wealth and prosperity area of your office.
Office Feng Shui and bagua
A Bagua map can help you to make your office a ?Feng Shui-friendly? environment. Bagua can help you in placing objects or placement of furniture in your office in areas which in Feng Shui are said to stimulate your discipline, prosperity and creativity. Once you determine the connections between various spaces in your office and 8 different guas of the bagua map, you start to develop a much stronger sense of purpose and focus about the changes you would like to implement in your life. You can make use of Feng Shui Elements for creating a balance between yin and yang energies.
According to Feng Shui for offices you can have:
?Your desk and computer in the ?career? area ?Reference books in the ?knowledge? and 'self-cultivation? areas ?A crystal bowl in ?wealth and prosperity? ?You can have reception, phone systems/communication system in area marked for helpful people. ?You can have a picture of your father or other relatives in the family area if you have an inherited business.
Feng Shui and home office
The tips mentioned above can also be applied to your home office. But if not possible you can at least take care to change your home office to a Feng Shui office.
For example if your home office is full of creative and dream-inducing objects, get rid of some of them and introduce more logical, work-oriented elements that will help you get right down to business.
Or if your home office is like the other rooms of your office it is having beige or white curtains can be dramatically improved?and the energy invigorated?by using the guide lines of Feng Shui for offices. Something as simple as adding a tall red vase on the floor or atop a table or windowsill can help you have more yin energy. An impersonal office space can become suddenly personalized and imbued with character when you hang a print of your favorite painting on the wall. A stale room will be immediately freshened when you light a scented candle in an aroma you find particularly pleasing.
Adding a sturdy brown desk to the home office where bills are paid promotes practicality in a person who used to be a spendthrift. These are just an introduction to some of the Feng Shui practices. You can have a number of Feng Shui design ideas for your office or home office to increase the balance and harmony.
Discover the secret to happier living by knowing yourself better! Read the e-book on Feng Shui to get in-depth Feng Shui information and practical guide to lead a meaningful life.
Every year you plan that THIS will be the year you have pots and pots of lush plants on your balcony or deck. Then you visit your local nursery in the spring and reality hits -? the cost for your fantasy is just outrageous! Sound familiar?
But you can have the planters of your dreams at a fraction of the cost and with a choice of varieties far beyond what the local garden center offers. How? Start your own flower seeds now.
If you've never grown from seeds indoors before, it's best to begin with just a few types. Easy starters: Trailing lobelia and petunias make a bright and simple garden for sunny spots. Licorice plant and dwarf nasturtiums are also attractive.
Once you've decided on your plants, you must know two things to determine when the seeds should be started: the last frost date for your area, and the time required before transplanting.
The last frost date is the date beyond which there is a low chance (usually about 10%) of temperatures at or below the freezing mark. This is important because many traditional plants for hanging baskets are tender, that is, they will not survive when frozen. You may already know what the frost date is for your area. If not ask gardening neighbors or your local gardening center. If you are in the USA, visit ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/documentlibrary/freezefrost/Spring32F_hires.jpg for information from the national Climatic Data Center.
The time required before transplanting is different for each type of flower. You'll see this listed in seed catalogs or on the seed packet. For example, a packet might tell you to 'start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost date.? Some seeds such as nasturtiums, zinnias, or cosmos may be sown directly outside but if you have to wait after the danger of a frost has passed, you may want to get a jump on spring by starting those inside too.
Licorice plants and geraniums need 12 weeks to sprout from seed. So if my last frost date is May 15th, I'll want to start them around the last week of February. Petunias, fujinglight led high bay light manufacturers impatiens and lobelia require 10-12 weeks, so I would start them around the first of March. Morning glories, which make a beautiful privacy fence from a plain piece of latticework, need six weeks from start to transplant, but can't be put outside until two weeks after the last frost date. This would mean starting them indoors about mid-April. I'd start nasturtiums and zinnias about then too.
Your goal is to promote germination (with heat and water) and seedling growth (with light) while preventing your seedlings? chief enemy, 'damping-off? (with air circulation and proper drainage). Here are some tips for successful seed growing.
Use plastic containers, about 2? deep, fairly wide and with multiple drainage holes. Growers? cell packs are ideal but you can also use yogurt or cottage cheese containers as long as you sanitize them with a mild bleach solution (one part bleach to nine parts water) for 15 minutes and then punch several holes in the bottoms.
Use commercial seed-starting mix. It's sterilized and contains the necessary food to aid germination. You might also want to try using a product specially formulated to prevent damping-off.
Plant seeds sparingly. You'll have to thin them anyway. Some growers plant only two seeds per cell pot. If you're planting in flat trays, place seeds 1/2? to 1? (1 to 2.5 cm) apart, depending on the seed size, and space the rows 1 1/2? to 2? (3-5 cm) apart. Make a depression in the soil with your finger or a pencil and plant the seed about three times as deep as its diameter. If the packet says the seed requires light to germinate, then put it just on the surface of the soil.
Set the containers in a water-filled tray. This allows the pots to draw water from the bottom without disturbing the seeds. Cover tray and pots with plastic to help hold moisture and heat.
Place the entire set-up on a heat source between 75 - 85? F (24 - 29? C). Although a heat mat designed for this purpose is ideal, you can also use the top of a fridge, or a spot near a radiator or space heater.
Once the seeds have germinated, remove the plastic and put the pots (with the water tray) near a light source at a reduced temperature. Good light is crucial at this point to ensure good growth. Fluorescent shop lights within a few inches of the tops of the seedlings are perfectly suited. You can also try a sunny south window but ideally the light should be on the plants for 16 hours out of each 24-hour period. In my climate, we just don't have 16 hours of daylight this time of year! Seedlings respond best to daytime temperatures of 60 - 70? F (16 - 21?C) and night temperatures of 50 - 60? F (10 - 16?C).
Here's where it becomes critical to prevent damping-off. One way to do this is to let an electric fan blow gently across the surface of the soil during daylight hours. There are also specially formulated products on the market that can be applied to the surface of the soil when you are planting seeds that will help stop damping-off from developing.
When the seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves (not the round little germination leaves), pull all but one plant per cell. It's hard, I know, to pull up living plants but it's necessary to prevent overcrowding that will kill all of them.
When the seedlings have developed their second set of true leaves, start watering them (from the bottom) with fertilizer diluted to quarter strength.
A week or 10 days before you plan to plant them outside, start ?hardening off? the tender seedlings. Stop fertilizing, and cut the amount of water in half. If possible, keep them in a cooler space inside and start introducing them to the direct sun and fluctuating temperatures of the outdoors. Begin by setting the trays outside for an hour in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon ad gradually lengthen the time to several hours. Don't put them out in heavy rain or cold, strong wind and be sure to bring them indoors at night.
Follow these steps and you'll have a bounty of young, strong plants to fill your hanging baskets and pots. This year, you'll have the planters of your dreams!
If you are shopping for a new computer, you usually look at the size of the hard disk first, but you should also know what monitor you are purchasing. The monitor displays the messages and data that are processed and utilized as the CPU (central processing units) speed or hard disk size.
There are two kinds of monitor technologies available on the market ? the CRT (cathode-ray tubes) monitors and LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors. CRTs are fujinglight led high bay light manufacturers bigger and bulkier than the LCD, and they consume a lot more power. The screen also tends to flicker. The LCD monitors are more expensive than the CRT and have less color replication. However, LCD technology has advanced, and its viewing quality is comparable to CRT. Most people still choose the CRT monitor.
For many years, the CRT monitors were the only choice consumers had for monitor technology. CRT technology is used in most televisions and computer monitors.
It works by moving an electron beam back and forth across the back of the screen. Each time the beam passes across the screen, it lights up phosphor dots on the inside of the glass tube. and it illuminates the active portions of the screen. By drawing many such lines from the top to the bottom of the screen, it creates an entire screen of images.
LCD technology is used in digital watches and computer monitors. This display has two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them. An electric current passed through the liquid causes the crystals to align, and light cannot pass through them. Each crystal, is like a shutter, either allowing light to pass through or blocking it. To produce color, LCD displays use two basic techniques: Passive matrix and thin film transistor (TFT). Passive matrix is the less expensive of the two. TFT, or active-matrix, produces sharp color images like the CRT, but is much more expensive.
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From a hiding place he watched the man fall asleep. Even his evil heart felt wonder and awe as the woman was formed, so like the man, yet so different. But the Serpent vowed, ?I will devise it so that a man will leave his wife, and a woman her husband, and I will make them to cling to father and mother, and the one flesh shall become two.? This too would soon be so.
And on the seventh day, as the Almighty rested from His labors and enjoyed fellowship with His creation, the Serpent skulked in the gloom, vowing that he would never rest, but would roam through the earth, insinuating, reviling, perverting, destroying.
But the Serpent never realized that the darkness he preferred was really a shadow, a shadow made by a divine light from the future. And that light was illuminating a cross. And it was good; behold, it was very good.
We are apart of all that is, our consciousness spring out of the silence, which is known as the voyd or vacuum in Quantum Physics. This first sprouting of consciousness comes out of the silence as waves, a vibration of light. The photons of light travel till they hit something then change from a wave to a particle and an solar led street light manufacturers ante-particle.
These particles cluster together and start to form the atoms of our body: The positive particles to the centre forming the nucleus and the negative ante particles forming the electrons. These groups of atoms cluster together to form our molecules; the molecules cluster to form the cells and DNA. The cells cluster to form the organs and bones etc. and all the parts together form the whole person.
Our body is an interference pattern of light that has changed from a wave to a solid and grown more and more complex. It has built up the layers and slowed down it's vibration from light to solid matter, through evolution and self-knowledge.
Know also that we are a reflection of the whole that at the time of our birth the pattern of the stars are fixed within us like taking a photograph. This is why astrologers can predict our future from the position of the stars. This connection also gives us great power, because each part of a hologram has to reflect the whole. Therefore by changing a part of ourselves the whole universe has to adjust to reflect the change.
If you have a holographic photograph of a three-dimensional object, if you then cut up the photo into 100 pieces, if you get a Laser and shine it through any one piece, you still see the whole image but each piece will give you a different perspective.
Human consciousness is the same, we all see the whole, but each person is seeing it from a different perspective. Pure Consciousness is shining through us like laser light: Shining from the voyd or vacuum outwards. This is what is creating the ever-expanding Universe.
This constant flow of light and consciousness is what maintains our body and what is infect life.
Know that by becoming aware of ourselves at these more subtle levels we can change ourselves just by our intention. If we choose to create from source, to manifest out of the silence, then you could say that we become like gods ourselves or sorcerers or wizards.
Know that this field of silence although it is empty, like a vacuum, is full of neutral or potential energy. This field contains all knowledge and is the source of each of our consciousnesses; gifts like telepathy, knowing the future, etc. work through this field. By changing yourself you change the World and the Universe.
If you are reading this article, chances are either that you already love beads and are looking to assemble combinations of your own, or that you are checking out beads and how best to incorporate them into LED optics lighting your attire.
Either way, the best thing about beads is the number of ways in which they can be adjusted with the rest of your clothes and accessories and the fact that you don't have to worry about them too much! Beads are a fashion statement in themselves and the kind of beads you wear can tell a lot about you.
While you will see a lot of high end designers are incorporating beads into their fashion line to express various moods and to add colorful accents, beads are made for experimenting. Try not to copy a look a designer has created. Instead make your own jewelry to express yourself. Beaded jewelry making is both an art that needs a lot of passion, effort and patience as also fun and rewarding, and a great way to have fun while dressing up! After all, there is nothing more exciting and rewarding than creating a masterpiece- bead by bead. Everyone can design beautiful jewelry, just remember to put together things you like to make a piece that is unique and special.
Use beads in metal, plastic, wood and glass from craft stores or even those in crystal and gem from jewelers. If you want to be more resourceful, you can even use materials from around the house, such as clay, paper, cardboard, etc.Here are a few basic things to help you get started. Of course, you'll figure out more as you start stringing!First, make a lay pattern out of the design for your necklace (or anklet, etc.) on a hard surface. This should be done on a table top or any other stable surface to avoid the trouble of finding your beads once they've rolled away!
Also, cut off any draughts, etc if you are using very light beads. Now, cut your bead wire according to the length you require. You can use anything from a string to a thin metal wire, or even soft-flex wire to string your beads. Be sure to cut it at least 5 inches longer than you want the actual necklace to be. Pay attention to fastening the edges securely and to buy good quality ends and hooks for your beads to make jewelry that is as sturdy as it is pretty!Beaded jewelry making will help your creativity flourish. If you have the time, you can even turn this hobby into a business. After all, there are a lot of people out there who love beads! Think of customizing in the beads sector and just imagine the joy a unique piece would bring to people. You can even gift your creations to close friends or family members. The pride you will feel at creating something so treasured and individual will surely be priceless! And of course, the satisfaction received from creating that perfect piece for your oh-so-prized-dress can hardly be enumerated. So go on, string it!
When you're considering the safety of your home, don't forget to led flood light manufacturers protect your children. Not only will you need to protect them from people who might want to harm them, but you also need to prevent accidents or other situations where your children might get into trouble all by themselves.A night light can help your child see in the dark, so that they don't stumble if they need to get up in the night. Many children also prefer a night light so that their room isn't completely dark at night. These lights can be placed in the bedroom, hallway, or bathroom to provide safety during the night.
A camera or baby monitor can help you watch them during the night. This can ensure that they don't do anything they aren't supposed to, and also help you determine what's going on in their room if you hear a loud noise. Baby monitors aren't just useful for babies in cribs, but also for any young child's room.If you have young children, chances are good that you understand the need to use child safety products around the home. Cabinet latches or locks, outlet plugs, doorknob guards, and pool alarms can make sure that they can't go anywhere dangerous.
You may not realize it, but cabinets, outlets, and bathrooms harbor plenty of dangers for young children. Pool alarms are an often overlooked child safety device, but they are critical if you have a pool, as they will alert you to anyone that has fallen in the pool or is trying to swim. These are a must-have for your toddlers. Baby-proofing your home should be done before they start crawling, and should remain in place until you are sure that they are old enough to keep themselves safe.
Besides these devices to keep your home safe for children, you also need to remember to protect your children against anyone who may enter your home uninvited. The camera can help you see what is happening, but you also need to make sure your children are protected without you immediately coming to their aid. Personal alarms are small alarms that can be activated by children; when the switch is flipped, a loud noise will sound.
These can also be taken with you to crowded places like malls or amusement parks to provide additional safety.Contact alarms can be placed on doors and windows, along with safety beams on the floor. They will make a loud noise when movement is detected. Besides protecting your home from anyone trying to come in, they will alert you to children trying to leave the home at night.Don't forget to teach your children about safety. What you tell them should be age-appropriate, and include plans for fires, earthquakes, and other emergencies as well as what to do if they think someone is trying to break in. When teaching your kids about safety, try not to scare them, but make sure that they know what to do in case of emergencies of any kind. Teach young kids how to dial 911, and how to avoid dangerous situations when you are out in public.
This training routine is a 4 week fat torching routine that if you stick to I can guarantee you WILL totally strip the fat of your body, leaving you with a perfect lean body, this programme will work for anyone who does it, as long as you stick to the training routine and diet strictly, after all its only 4 weeks long.Its all about will power people just stay away from the cakes and pies for a little while and your going to get great results cheat and they won't be nearly as good, remember allot of people say diet is 80% of the battle and I have to say I totally agree.
This training routine is a 3 day split over a 6 day week, so you will be training Monday to Saturday, with Sunday as your rest day repeating the training routine twice each week ,also there is a small amount of cardio after each weights session, during your routine you will be lifting heavy weights and minimising your rest periods in between sets, this will cause you to burn huge amounts of calories during and after your workout also reps will be formed fast and explosively as this has also been proven to burn more calories than standard slowness.
4 Week full body workout programme with dietfull body workout programme 1(Monday and Thursday)Chest:Explosive press ups: 2 sets of 3-5 reps (each rep is performed explosively so your hands leave the floor).Smith machine inline bench press throws: 2 sets of 3-5 reps (perform these on a light weight).Smith machine inline bench press: 2 sets of 8Dumbbell bench press: 3 sets of 8Cable crossovers: 3 sets of 10Shoulders:smith machine over head throws: 3 sets 3-5 reps (perform these on a lightweight).smith machine over head: 3 sets of 8smith machine upright rows: 3 sets of 8smith machine upright rows:
3 sets of 8dumbbell lateral raises: 3 sets of 10bent over lateral raises: 3 sets of 10barbell shrugs: 3 sets of 8Triceps:close grip smith machine press throws: 3 sets of 3-5smith machine close grip presses: 3 sets of 8triceps pushdowns: 3 sets of 10full body workout programme 2 (Tuesday and Friday)Back:1 arm cable pulls: 3 sets of 3-5 (perform these on a light weight).single arm rows: 3sets of 8seated cable rows: 3 sets of 8Biceps:Smith machine curl throws: 3 sets of 3-5 (perform these on a light weight)smith machine drag curls: 3 sets of 8incline dumbbell curls: 3 sets of 10Forearms:Barbell wrist curls: 3 sets of 10full body workout programme 3 (Wednesday and Saturday)legs:squat jumps: 3 sets of 3-5 (perform these with only your own body weight)squats:
4 sets of 8leg press: 3 sets of 8leg extension: 3 solar led street light manufacturers sets of 8leg curls: 3 sets of 8Calf's:standing calf raises: 3 sets of 12super set these withseated calf raises: 3 sets of 12full body workout programme diet:Breakfast: 2 whole large eggs, 4 large egg whites, 230g of porridge, handful of blueberries.Late morning snack: 2 scoops of whey protein, 1 whole wheat muffin, 1tbs of peanut butter.Lunch: chicken breast, medium sweet potatoes, mixed salad with 1 tablespoon light dressing.Midday snack: 100g sliced turkey meat, 2 slices wholemeal bread, beef and vegetable soup.Preworkout snack: 1 scoop whey protein, 2 pieces of fruit.Post workout snack: 1 scoop whey protein, litre of Gatorade.Dinner: chicken or fish, cup of brown rice, handful of green beans.Night time snack: 250g cottage cheese, 2 table spoon of salsa.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, according to the CDC. The two most common types, basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, are highly treatable forms of the disease. The third most common form of the disease, melanoma is the most dangerous form of the disease. This is common among young people and 60-65% of melanomas are attributed to expose to UV light. The CDC also reported that over 8000 people died from this form of cancer in 2005.There are some things that can increase the risk of coming down with skin cancer.
If your family has a history of the disease, if you have blond led garden light wholesale or red hair, a light complexion or a history of being susceptible to sunburn at an early age. These people should take extra precautions when exposed to sunlight.During the summer months, when people want to be out enjoying the weather is when we are at most risk. Ultraviolet light is an invisible form of light and comes mainly from the sun and tanning beds. This is the time that we want to protect ourselves from the damaging effects of UV light and skin cancer.
Due to recent studies there is good news of a natural way that we can help protect our skin. A substance named lutein has been found to help us do this from the inside.Lutein has long been known for its ability to protect the eyes from age related macular degeneration also known as AMD. Now there is exciting news that it can protect us from the effects of UV light and skin cancer.Lutein is found in some of the foods that we eat. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale contain large amounts. It can also be found in egg yolks. Including foods such as these in your diet will help provide you with lutein. Lutein is not produced by the body; therefore it must come from diet and supplementation.
A recent study on luteins' ability to protect us from UV light, and skin cancer, was done at Harvard University and headed by Dr. Salvador Gonsalez. He is quoted as saying, "Lutein has been widely recognized for its eye health benefits for several years. But, our data is the first of its kind to suggest that lutein may have the potential to act as a preventative agent against UVB-induced skin cancer. Dr. Gonsalez went on to say "In addition, these data suggest that lutein protects the skin against damage caused by exposure to UVB light, further validating our position that lutein is a critical component to overall skin health".In addition to using a good sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) and making sure you are getting enough lutein from nutritional sources, there are some other things you can do to protect yourself and your family from UV light.
1. If you are going to be in the sun for any length of time always wear a good pair of wrap around UV blocking sunglasses. This will protect your eyes from UV light which can cause cataracts and AMD which is an irreversible form of blindness.2. As parents, always protect your children's skin from sunburn. Studies have shown that even one sunburn can increase your chance of skin cancer later in life.3. When using sunscreen always check the expiration date. Most have a shelf life of 3 years or less.4. Consumption of 6 mg. per day is recommended. This can be either through diet or supplementation.5. Find some shade during the hottest hours of the day.6. Wear protective clothing to cover the skin. A wide brim hat will also help protect the head, neck and shoulders.Exposure to sunlight also provides us with some of the vitamins that we need for our bodies to function properly. A recent study found that over 70% of children in the United States were vitamin D deficient. Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight should be done in moderation and with the appropriate precautions. Enjoy your summer.
Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. There are plenty of crafty brides out there looking for a unique design for their unity candle. They want something that is as special and unique as their wedding day. Many artists are ready and willing to custom make a Unity candle for an eager bride - and charge anywhere from $30 to $200 - and that's not with any gold-plating or diamonds set into it!
As an alternative, take some of the "momentos" from your upcoming wedding - perhaps a copy of your invitation, some ribbon or tulle to match the gown and do it yourself! This project is as simple or as complex as you make it out to be, and you're only restricted by your imagination. The best part about this candle is that it will never burn away! We will embed a tealight in the top of the pillar so that you only have to replace the tealight when it burns out. Ultimately you will have a lasting momento of your special day that you've made.
You will need:
7-9" pillar candle 2 clear-cup tealight candles 1 pencil 1 teaspoon 1 tape measure 1 hot glue gun as many items to decorate your candle as you see fit.
Choose a candle 7-9" tall and about 3" wide at the top. Round candles are easiest to decorate, but the candle must be at least 1/4" larger around than the tealight. Pick a candle that sits flat. We're going to carve out the top in a minute so that the tealight will nestle down inside. If you have unusual colors for your wedding, try finding a candle in a coordinating color.
Place the tealight cup in the center of the top of the pillar. Do your best to center it. Trace around the outside of the cup. Set the tealight aside. Measure the height of your tealight.
Using a warm spoon, melt out the wax around the wick of the pillar candle. We want to "carve" or melt out a space for the tealight to fit. Work slowly. It's easier to melt out extra wax than it is to add back wax. We can fill in with hot glue, but we'd rather not do that if we don't have to! Continue to melt down the interior led stadium light wholesale of the candle, and trim away the wick, until you have reached the depth of your tea light cup height. Test your "well" by fitting the tealight cup into the space you are creating. Once it sits flush with the top of the pillar, you're all set!
Let your candle cool. Once we begin to decorate, you'll need to work quickly - especially if you're using High-temp hot glue. The softer your pillar candle, the more likely it will melt under the heat of your glue gun. Therefore, always apply the glue to to your decoration, not your candle. If you are applying many items - beads for example - allow the candle time to cool every 5-10 minutes to prevent melting.
Because the candle doesn't burn down, most any type of decoration can be used on the candle, including paper, cloth, etc. The wax should never drip, as it is contained in the tealight cup. This is a great and economical way to add a personal touch to your wedding ceremony. Some decorating suggestions:
1. Cut your invitation out in an oval or heart shape. Adhere it to the candle and edge the invitation with lace or ribbon.
2. Take beads that match your gown and push sequin pins or hatpins into the candle to hold them into place (no glue required).
3. Glue your picture on the candle and decorate with ribbon. This not only makes a wonderful momento for you, but a great gift for your wedding party, as a reminder of their role in your special day.
4. For my wedding, I took a new white pillar candle, spiraled old silver ribbon from the top to the bottom, then turned the candle over and spiraled pale blue ribbons in the opposite direction, creating a checkerboard effect. Then I glued blue and clear crystals borrowed from some old earrings in the center of each "square". Something old, new, borrowed and blue on a candle that will last for a lifetime!
Usually for interior decoration of homes set lights, created in a classic style. Often, these lamps are made of high quality crystal but because they look beautiful and elegant. Often lamps decorate the ornaments and patterns, they inserted the LEDs. Such options spotlights, made of natural stone, perfectly combined with ceramic and granite pavement, they are suitable for bathrooms. Also possible to produce lamps with mirror finish.
Modern house projects involve the use of this original version of the decor.A wide variety of models of lighting fixtures in all shapes and colors, as well as the sizes you led canopy light manufacturers can choose the perfect option for the consecration of the quality of any type of room. Not surprisingly, many choose it lights in the classical style for decorating your apartment, because they are stylishly decorated and presentable. Working in Minsk for the manufacture of such lamps is carried out by highly qualified specialists who know the ins and outs of repair. They set the lights in places where they will look best.Light floor lamp, or rather its functional ancestor - one of the earliest objects of everyday life and the most ancient light. No coincidence that its name comes from the French word for a torch.
In ancient times it was a tripod with an overhead tank of burning oil. These lamps used in ancient Rome and Greece. In the Middle Ages, when candles were invented, it has mutated and become outdoor chandelier. Such lamps are lamps used in Europe in the 18th century. We also recall the use of this lamp in the streets in the form of gas lamps. But when man invented electricity, he again moved into our house. We can say that a floor lamp mutated more than once, and passed a long way of transformation, yet retained the classic features of its ancestor - a long arm and light. At the time, a floor lamp was part of the dowry of rich brides. In the thirties of the last century it was a symbol of middle class because of its appearance - beautiful original carved legs and shade in the form of a bell with a fringe around.60th year, remember that this lamp was one of the attributes of the Soviet family.The most difficult in this matter - is the creation of his own thoughts. You think it's all about the absence of some skills in drawing, culture, design, aesthetics, and the like. And, of course, you believe that this task is best to cope professionals in the field of design. After all, these people have a sense of beauty. But I can assure you that you are wrong. They will not be able to create for you personally no good if they do not follow your thoughts.Are you familiar with the photographic art? Of course, yes. After all, in every trip you take your camera and doing a lot of portrait and landscape photos.